1. Mountain Greenery - Hal McIntyre, Hart, Lorenz
2. I Cover the Waterfront - Hal McIntyre, Green, Johnny [1]
3. Lullaby of Birdland - Hal McIntyre, Shearing, George
4. Harlem Nocturne - Hal McIntyre, Hagen, Earle
5. Stompin at the Savoy - Hal McIntyre, Goodman, Benny & Hi
6. Stardust - Hal McIntyre, Parish, Mitchell
7. Cherry Point - Hal McIntyre, Hefti, Neal
8. Moonlight in Vermont - Hal McIntyre, Blackburn, John
9. September Song - Hal McIntyre, Anderson, Maxwell
10. One OClock Jump - Hal McIntyre, Basie, Count
11. Autumn Leaves - Hal McIntyre, Kosma, Joseph
12. Laura - Hal McIntyre, Mercer, Johnny