Let's face it - this is a really tough year in teaching. Are you overwhelmed by how drastically different this teaching year is feeling? Students who have lost "academic" behaviors and safety protocols that seem to change every other minute? Are you struggling to maintain positive teaching mindsets that empower and energize you? Do you dream of having students who are motivated to learn, engaged, and well behaved whether they are in class or in quarantine?If the answer to these questions is "Yes!" then this book is for you!These positive mindsets and practical strategies can help you:
- Cultivate class community with students on campus, at home, or both
- Design an effective emergency distance learning plan and be confident using the technology
- Reduce busy work and prioritize curriculum that engages students
- Positively manage behavior in class and online
- Manage your workload and mindsets to eliminate overwhelm
A quick read in a conversational, upbeat tone, this book is based on research in positive psychology, curriculum design, student success factors, and 18 years "in the trenches" classroom experience.Packing a morale-boosting punch, this book can help you feel more prepared and positive about the meeting challenges of teaching whether it's via Zoom or Classroom.
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