member publications

Andreas Taber
#Rory Gallagher, Alvin Lee, Frank Marino, Les Dudek,Joe Bonamassa
Hartmann Software Group
#learn to code, find an IT job
Andreas Taber
#hit men Walter Yetnikoff

member events


This two-day course is designed to bring experienced users and developers up to speed quickly to working in a Linux environment.You will learn what the main ingredients are in a Linux system...



  • Funk Shui, pronounced Funk Shway, is the brain child of Andreas Taber (guitars/vocals). Starting sometime in the spring of 2004, he put together a number of Colorado's most talented musicians to record True, our debut album.  Those

    Funk Shui, member
    #funk rnb rock jazz
  • A whole is greater than the sum of its parts ref.  Aristotle's statement is how I would describe myself.  Ever since I can remember, music has played a significant

    Andreas Taber, member
    #funk jazz rock software
  • Lover of good rock music, hiking, art museums, yoga and road travel. Based in Texas now, but from NYC. Very much office phobic unless said office has wheels and runs on gasoline or diesel.

    NY'er-inTX, member
    #guitar rock, blues, AI